direttore amministrativo
Zuständig für Verwaltung, Koordination und Controlling
Amministratore delegato in associazione con la direzione infermieristica e il capo di Mobil Concept
Stellvertretende Pflegedienstleiterin und Qualitätsmanagerin. Betreut auch die Senioren-WG in Bingerbrück.
Allrounder in compagnia. Oltre al servizio mobile di Mobil Concept responsabile del marketing, dell'organizzazione e della comunicazione.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.